This lesson is designed for the Activate KS3 Science Course, specifically Year 7 B1.2 Module on ‘Structure & Function of Body Systems’
Students are firstly given the definition of a joint and are then asked to move around a bit, either in their seats or around the room, and whilst moving they should think about their joints - whether they are all the same, if they move in the same way or not. This leads into an introduction to three types of joint that they need to learn about - ball-and-socket joint, hinge joint and fixed joint.
The next part of the lesson will focus on the tissues which comprise a joint - namely tendons, ligaments and cartilage. Students will be given information sheets, either on their table or placed around the room. Using this information they will need to complete a summary table of the three tissues - the location of the tissue (what it is connected to), a description of the tissue and it’s role in the joint. Once students have completed this task they can self-assess their work using the mark scheme provided.
Next, students will conduct an investigation into muscle strength. Students will work in pairs, following the method provided on the PowerPoint to measure the strength of their triceps, biceps and forearm using a Newton Scale. Their results should be recorded in a suitable table.
Lastly, students are given a worksheet to summarise what they have learned on this topic so far. They will need to complete the sentences with the correct key word, this word can then be found within the word search. The mark scheme for this task is also included so students can mark and correct their work.
The plenary provides two choices for students, either unscramble the anagrams of key words from the lesson or using the key word selection provided, write a summary of what was learned this lesson.
Once purchased you will be able to instantly download and present this ready to use Powerpoint lesson. The lesson can be edited to suit the buyer's specific lesson requirements if needed.
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